In All my Imperfections, Here I Am

In All my Imperfections, Here I Am

Sunday, March 27, 2011

If Grace Is An Ocean, We're All Sinking...

I can't even begin to describe the emotions that today has brought. They are in no way related to depression, guilt, hate, or deception. No, these emotions carry a greater meaning, in the most simplistic way. These emotions bring blinded eyes to light, and a broken heart to mending. Witnessing such beauty should never be overlooked. Surrender should never be just falling on your knees for the instinct, it should be your face on the ground, your relieving tears leaving a puddle of the burdens you've carried for so long on the pavement, evaporating as God wipes his cloth of purity over your wet cheeks. Never taking one minute of such glory for granted is that first step to bringing your bare callused feet to the front of the cross.

It's hard to explain emotions because emotions are often looked upon as weakness. Guess what? It's the total opposite. You are actually strengthening yourself in the process, because holding it inside is like never letting go of the rope. Letting it go is leaving it alone and moving forwards rather then backwards. Many don't know how to handle another persons cries, but what they don't know is they don't need to handle it. They can be there and listen, thats all it takes. Even the person crying doesn't know what to do with themselves at times, because even they feel like they are showing signs of weakness, but its easier to prove to yourself that healthiness is growing, rather then to slap yourself in the face and tell yourself to get over it. Compassion brings more impact then a piano falling from ten stories high. An ear to hear sheds more light then a candle in a darkened room. You may dampen these statements by saying that showing compassion can be abused by the person you're giving it to, and listening can become gossip, but that is a whole different story. When you're in the moment, you're in the moment and you don't want to give it up for anything. Keep it that way, just don't abuse it.

I have mentioned several times that my writing comes from the moment when I'm feeling it, and that feeling didn't just come from anywhere, I came inspired. I felt and still feel inspiration. This inspiration came from tonight, where there was this one moment, in this one place, and this one song that touched my heart in so many different ways, I couldn't express it in any other way then tears. I know I am sounding a tad bit vague, but I'm doing it on purpose because I want it to be relational. I don't want to tell you my story, I want you to tell me yours. I want you to remember a moment in your life, where you were in an unexpected situation, and something happened that you didn't expect, but it deeply moved you and your only reaction was full of emotional tears. Then and there, standing was not an option. Do you remember anything? I hope so. I'm not expecting you to tell me anything, since this is a blog, and replying to this with your answer isn't exactly mandatory, but I just want you to feel what you felt then. If you did, or still do, I have my answer. I am happy for you. You have a beautiful heart, and that heart isn't meant to be kept within you, its meant to be used in the most purposeful ways. All our hearts are. There's a reason why God lives within the,, am I right?
Blessings come in disguises, they are uniquely given, and represent the beauty of God's grace, and the power it has in our lives. Blessings are not just given out with no purpose, they are meant to be received with thanksgiving, awed upon, and used with all the meaning in its name. It can never be abused. If it seemed like it was, it probably wasn't a blessing in the first place. Just think about it. There's truth, and then there's lies. Two VERY different things...obviously.

Tonight, I have been reminded never to take this life I have for granted. To accept with what's been done, which is giving into the beauty of your heart that comes in forms of tears. To use it, and not refuse it. To love the fact that God gave us eyes to "see", ears to "hear", and lips to "speak" (emphasis on those three words, because they hold more meaning then just the action of seeing, hearing, and speaking).
I do, at this point, need to remind you, not to mention myself, that we cannot, and SHOULD not use other peoples beauty in their hearts for filling up the voids in our own hearts. This would all be in vain, therefore it cannot be blessed. It is as useless as trash. Innocence requires humility. Humility is the action of giving all of yourself, surrendering at the foot of the cross, and being renewed with a spirit now filled with purity, rather then worldly satisfaction. To actually confess your sins, and remain in humility from that point on. It is the beauty of the heart.

I think that is all I have to say. I'm in awe of the ocean we're sinking in...that ocean is grace.


  1. You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself and I am blessed to be able to share my love for you, with you. Many times I have had a moment where something hit me so hard that all I could do was cry because of the overwhelming joy I felt. Every time it changes me, even in a small way, but make me feel more of a "whole"
    I love you and thank you for sharing

  2. Once again you have really captured your audience and made them walk a mile in this blogs shoes...though for me it the time I thought of wasn't a pleasant one, it was beneficial to revisit and when I did there was no pain in it...which confirms to me that God has in fact healed me from the trauma that happened from the event...and that by going back to revisit the moments in time (like suggested in this blog) I have discovered that I am now in a position to help others who have been through what I went through to get to where I am now...a place of freedom and wholeness in this area. Thanks for this blog!!
